Notes for: Joseph Marion Spencer

From: Patty [genbug4u at]
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009
Subject: Spencer's

I can't remember if I have written you or not. My name is Patty Ryker, Joseph Marion Spencer b 1801 was my grandmother's great grandfather. I would be happy to share what information I have however, other than J.M.'s birth and death date and marriage date and the descendents of this family I have no further information on Joseph, he was born and died at a time that records, if kept were destroyed in fires. I am hoping that together, with my daughter Terri, can get this family going. There are lots of possible people to be the father of this man but until I can prove it I am not saying a lot. Please let me know, would love to hear from you and will share anything that I have as well as on the Ray family, Louisa's family.

Hope you are well

PS I am originally from Colorado, now live in Montana since all our children moved here.